on sunday i stayed over at Elaine's church. never sleep at all.... at 5am we all got ready to go to east coast, watch sunset. haha. was super tired. went home, slept at 1pm all the way to morning, 3am.. than continue to nex morning. 7am.haha.
the CCK YOUTH CAMP!!!!!!!!!!nice. FUN. shant compare with ELIM. Girls BUNK: gymnasium. so nice, go alot mattress and cussions there.. so very comfortable. THEY GUYS.. poor thing. they all slp in music room. ahaha..
so... it has been 2YEARS!!!! i ve been to elim for 2 years. so now i go bck to CCK! evrybody sttill remebers JULIA... ofcos! cos evrybdy loves julia.
got new people there tho: ) But was fast frens.
(i'm considering CCK:D)
okok, i duno wad im saying.....