I had a history with M.WANGY. so its quite obvious to ppl that she HATES ME... still. YAH. she does okaye? i damn hate ss now. wad kind of christian is she mann? unforgiving freak ass idiot.

YTD SS lesson.
M.WANGY: Class are you all done with wrksheet one?
(Class never do HOMEWORK so they pretend they dunno anything abt it)
CLASS: HUH? wad wrksheet? (obviously lying)
M.WANGY: Wheres my SS REP?
ME: i gave them alrdy.
M.WANGY: you have given them?
ME: yes, i passed out the worksheet.
M.WANGY: then why isit like this?
ME: I dunno. i gave them alr.( if i expose them. they would hate me for Life)
M.WANGY: JULIA... are u sure?(with her awful tone)
ME: yeah, i gave them already.
class E*------ they all still FAKING.
M.WANGY: than why isit they dun have it?
ME: i dunno.. i really gave them the worksheet.
One person raise up" I DONT HAVE?" n another, n another... so on
M.WANGY: JULIA, r u really sure u handed out?
ME: yes. realy.
M.WANGY: then why haven't they received it.
ME: They all were absent.
M.WANGY: (rolls her eyes) Then why are u not giving them now?
ME: I AM..
(start handing out)

M.wangy.. yakety yaks yakety yakyakyaks.

it obvious she still hates me. AND yay, i hate her too. rejoice.

and those who sabo me. stop it ok? u can do that during POA, but not during ss. don't use me to save ur skin.