i went to ikea aft sch with Elaine and Olivia! we cabbed there and bck. WE SAW AN ACTOR! forgot his name:/ &i bought lots and lots of boxes:D to "organize" myself. HAHA.
Exam is jus a week away D: and im so not prepared for it. yaaah D:

ok. & i made goals for myself! i must achieve it b4 my birthday on june 10!
1. fail not more then 2 subs for MYE.
2. Loooose 5 kg:)
3. perfecto guitar:D
4. stamina!!
5. visible tone!:D
yeeeep. thats all im aiming for, this june:)

&& im getting all gonkas over POT. (prince of tennis)
i noe its sooo last year, but then again, i love it. I watched the movie live action one today. The guy acting as Ryoma is so..I-love-him-ish lah. but tho, the movie is pretty sucky compared to the anime version. anime version rocks. i think its 219 episodes! im sooo gonna watch it finish lah! yaaaah. HAHA:))

Good is never the way to describe the way you treated me.